C-Fold Towels are perfect for washrooms in industrial/manufacturing facilities, retail stores, cafeterias, schools, fast food restaurants, public facilities, lodging. C-Fold paper towels deliver reliable quality and performance at a low cost per use.C-Fold towels combine a quality look and feel with economy and practicality.
The white towels are 10 1/4" x 13" and fit in most standard C-Fold and Combination towel cabinets. These towels are absorbent and soft enough for all your hand-drying needs.
- Made of 100% Recycled paper
- Chlorine-Free Technology
- Thru-Embossed texturing which creates superior absorbency
- Packaged for easy handling and storage
C-Fold towels are packed 200 towels per pack, 12 packs per case, 2,400 towels per case.
C-Fold Paper Towels Specifications
Part #: H180
Color: White
Recycled Content: 100 percent
Post Consumer Content: 80 percent
Case Weight: 18 lbs.
Paper Size
Width: 10 1/4 in.
Length: 13 in.
Towels per Pack: 200
Packs per Case: 12
Total: 2,400 white C-Fold towels per case
More Info:
Made from 100% Recycled Fiber
- C Fold towels are 100% recycled, containing 80 percent post-consumer content.
- Towels and tissue are made from 100% recycled fibers and meets EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste content.
- C Fold towels products meet our customers' needs for quality and performance.